Friday, November 6, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

Now the sixth movie in the epic Harry Potter series, Dumbledore “once again must ask too much of” Harry, and for what it’s worth, he fails to bring his “A” game to this new chapter of the ever darkening saga.

David Yates is back to direct this next in line tale of an even darker Hogwart’s, one where many young wizards are weary to come back to. Along with their return, an old ally accompanies them and returns to his teaching duties. Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) comes upon a potion book that proudly displays itself as once being the property of “The Half-Blood Prince.” At the same time, forces have put in motion events that could lead to the end of Hogwart’s as we know it. Join the young trio, with Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint), as they attempt to sidestep the comings of life and try to overcome petty jealousy and come together to stand against those who would do the willing of the evil Lord Voldemort.

I’ll come forthright and say it… I didn’t like it. And that’s coming from someone who up until this one, had seen every Potter film opening weekend and enjoyed them all. I haven’t read the books, so the films are all I have to judge by. The film as a whole was everything we’ve come to expect of the franchise; masterful acting, beautiful imagery, amazing special effects. But the story in this one really let me down. It seemed… it seems to be exactly what it is, a primer for the next one, a complete setup. And in that, I felt robbed. So far each film has been able to hold its own independently, though of course viewing the previous chapters helps greatly, it was never mandatory. I feel the next two movies would be hindered without first seeing this one. It tells enough to have you ask why, and just never gets around to giving a straight answer.


Rated: PG
153 mins

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